To the Wall…

I squished so many garden photos in my last post there was no room for anything else so this is a little catcher upper for the last few weeks. When I left off I think we had made it through Keith’s big party and were awaiting the advent of the rugby crowd for further celebrations.Continue reading “To the Wall…”

Coming up for air

“At last, six hours undisturbed sleep and I feel myself rising from the deep to draw breath. Astonishing the difference it makes. I am feeling, incongruously, rather like Bambi, wobbly in the legs but with a mind to skip.” So I typed deliriously on the sunny morning after Keith’s birthday bash. Alas, events intruded andContinue reading “Coming up for air”

Someone left the cake out in the rain

The drear mirk continues, with intermittent flashes of sun. This, combined with a rather crippling and persistent bout of insomnia, has me distinctly frayed at the edges. Life rolls on much as ever, the vicissitudes and irritations are neither better nor worse than usual, but the energy to shrug things off and scope to deflectContinue reading “Someone left the cake out in the rain”

Perking up

The last few days have brought a speck of sun and it has driven the weeks of mud right out of my head. I look around at the green spears of emerging buds and tiny pulmonaria flowers straining up to enjoy a little warmth and wonder why on earth I’ve not weeded all the bordersContinue reading “Perking up”

Hunkering Down

The weather is raw today and, basking in the virtuous glow of having got up early and gone to pilates in the village with Mum, I am now hunkered down in the library, log burner stoked, for the foreseeable. There have been rather too many similar days of late for my liking, and my moral fibreContinue reading “Hunkering Down”

Softly Softly

To my drilled nose (healing nicely thank you – really not that bad at all, just a lingering sore throat and strange “dangly” sensation like a tonsil trying to escape) we must add Keith’s extracted tooth. It is now incumbent on Mum to bite her tongue whilst Lachlan pokes a finger in his eye for theContinue reading “Softly Softly”

An unusual start to the year

In a somewhat unexpected turn of events my first post of the New Year comes to you from ward 17 of the Borders General Hospital. Dry January got off to a convincing start with a 24 hour pre operative alcohol ban and I have been nil by mouth since last night. Take that Christmas weight gain….. Nothing sinister. AContinue reading “An unusual start to the year”

A Christmas bouquet

Well Christmas is done and dusted and I am now firmly in harness for the New Year celebrations. We had two, delightful, “leftover days” when the denizens of Ruthven had to fend for themselves and I lolled on the sofa with an audio book and a plate of bijou snacks but those days of hedonism areContinue reading “A Christmas bouquet”

Library musings

I was planning to start this blog with some musings about being rather sleepy and warm in the library, where mum has the wood burner stoked to thermonuclear levels. Nestling down in my seat, I patted myself on the head smugly for remembering to scan my recent “tree” blog to check for any photographic overlap.Continue reading “Library musings”

Gifted light

Today was the first solidly dry and sunny day for an age. This was a stroke of luck as I had entirely forgotten that Stuart (the Rat Man) was coming bright and early to spray the carpets against moths (Stuart is a chiel o’ pairts). This entailed chasing out the cats and taking Lyra outContinue reading “Gifted light”