Garden Manumission

With Lachlan on a new work placement, mum and I are back on dog walking detail. Autumn seems to be trying out different weather moods. Over the course of a fortnight we have yomped across the fields in the blazing sun, battled the wind along the river path and drizzled our way through dripping woods.Continue reading “Garden Manumission”

September Songs

With Lachlan home again, mum and I have been rather rationed on the dog walks lately. Opportunities have had to be snatched when the bold boy is away on Landrover repair visits or social forays to Edinburgh for a little high life. Down by the river on a blustery day last week a monumental MayanContinue reading “September Songs”


Oh dear, somehow I just can’t get myself back into any kind of sensible routine. I am just skittering and dittering. I start the day, as often as not, with some kind of plan but it takes but the flap of a butterfly wing to derail me. I have taking to rising and donning myContinue reading “Flibbertigibbet”

Picking up the threads

I am coming up for air again after a tough couple of months, picking up the threads of normal life. Dad’s health started to decline badly last month and our days were filled with the trip to and from Galashiels and increasingly painful, powerless, bedside vigils. Ishbel and Lachlan came home and, as Ishbel tookContinue reading “Picking up the threads”

A reckoning…

The weather gives and the weather takes. In the end the reckoning comes…. Since the wind changed at the end of June we have been promised thunderstorms daily. Any yet, the days have continued hot and sultry, with barely the odd spit spot here and there during the day (though the lawns have welcomed someContinue reading “A reckoning…”

Tangles and twinings

The grass by the river bank is long and lush. Where they mowed the paths to the fishing beats a week ago there are now two good inches of springy turf underfoot and to either side the sward is long enough to hide a woolly dog. The heaps of mown grass have “matured” and LyraContinue reading “Tangles and twinings”


Anyone paying attention (though why should you!) will note that I am now all out of order. However, having got a pressing cri de coeur about “stuff” out of my system and with an hour of luxurious spare time up my sleeve, I am now returning to the joys of our week in Glenelg. IContinue reading “Trekking”